Investment, & Real Estate
through Education from
the First Master of Business Valuation Program

advanced topics &
BCA Certification

Advanced Topics
MBV DEGREE & ICVS Certification

Master of Business Valuation (MBV) Program Overview
The Master of Business Valuation (MBV) is one of the many programs offered at FUSE. This program is a fully on-line program designed to be completed in 18 months. FUSE’s MBV provides students with an educational experience enabling them to work as business valuation professionals in accounting firms, investment banks, registered investment advisory firms, brokerage firms, valuation firms, and other businesses similar in nature. This unique master’s degree program was developed with the student’s career in mind; the curriculum is the result of input from leading professionals and academics in valuation and financial analysis.
Upon successful completion of the first Semester (two terms) of the program, students will receive the credential of Business Certified Appraiser (BCA) from the International Society of Business Appraisers (ISBA), a U.S. Small Business Administration “qualified source” to conduct small business appraisals.
Further, upon the successful completion of the MBV program, FUSE MBV graduates meeting the standards of International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists (IACVS) credentialing will automatically be granted the International Certified Valuation Specialist with Advanced Studies in Financial Instruments (ICVS-A) credential without having to complete a separate comprehensive examination on valuation concepts. In addition, the MBV prepares students to sit for the Level 1 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Examination, and various business valuation and appraisal certifications, such as the Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Certified Business Appraiser (CBA), and Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA).* By the end of the program, students will have successfully prepared a portfolio having four different financial analysis and valuation reports.
Unlike the traditional model of enrolling in specific topic courses, of which parts are outdated or irrelevant to the needs of specialists, FIFC built a program that trains future valuation professionals from a practitioner’s point of view, without sacrificing the rigor of theoretical underpinnings, by integrating relevant portions of larger topics and simulating the workings of valuation firms. The use of current software and databases are part of the learning experience. Upon graduation, FIFC MBVs possess a portfolio of their professionally prepared analyses which they can present during interviews or use as work product examples to garner consulting engagements.
Click Here to Access the Program Catalog